Awesome Newcastle

It's so exciting to announce that Newcastle Afoot was chosen as the winner of Awesome Newcastle's grant for June 2017 at Reserve Bar on Thursday night.

Our business owner Becky pitched for the $1000 Awesome Newcastle grant to assist with start-up costs for Newcastle Afoot's small group walking tours and curated local experiences. Ten Awesome board members each donated $100 of their own cash to make up the grant. The money will be used to cover insurances for our walking tours and initial advertising costs. We are so grateful for this boost to our new business, and excited that so some significant business and community leaders recognised the value of this project.

The other finalists on the night were Leisa Mongan from BeanCycled, a local grass-roots recycled coffee mushroom farm, and the wonderful artist Rebecca Murray from Flying Spanners Gallery. Guests on our tours will find plenty of Rebecca's iconic street art on pillars and boxes across Newcastle city, particularly around Darby, King and Hunter Streets. 

Read more about the Awesome Newcastle event.

We cannot wait to start up Newcastle Afoot and provide visitors and locals with fun, informative and relaxed things to do in Newcastle. 

 More information and tour dates coming soon!